
  1. Explain what you did in the project and any interesting findings.
  2. Reflect on the process you went through for this project. Discuss things like:
    • What was the most difficult part of the logic and programming for you?
    • What would you do differently in approaching a similar project in the future?
  3. Provide a link to the rendered github pages repo and the regular repo (non-github pages site) as well!


For our project, we used the beer API data found at this link. We created six different functions: listBreweries(), listByState(), listByCity(), listByDistance(), listByType(), and listBySearch(). We then used some of these functions to retrieve data and create numerical as well as graphical summaries. Most of our data-related examples focused on comaprisons between Wisconsin and North Dakota, as well as a list of 50 random breweries. Most of our findings weren’t overwhelmingly interesting.

The most difficult part of the logic and programming for me was writing the functions to retrieve the data. However, after completing one successfully, the rest came pretty easy. Another somewhat difficult part was trying to retrieve certain data in order to create useful tables and graphs. In a similar project in the future, I would probably spend more time reviewing potential data from the API to create even more useful tables and graphs, rather than struggling to put summaries together after spending a lot of time writing functions for one API whose data I haven’t extensively reviewed.

The links to our GitHub Pages repository and the actual GitHub repository are below:

GitHub Pages repository

GitHub repository

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