
You’ve just completed your first project for the course - hooray! Write a blog post reflecting on your project (what was the purpose of the project, what did you learn, what you would do differently, etc.).


This project was honestly a little overwhelming for me for many reasons. One reason is that I definitely didn’t start as early as I should have! The main reason, however, is that the homework assignments were comparatively very simple. In completing the project to the best of my ability, I can say that I learned a lot. Just watching the lectures is educational, but you don’t really learn until you try to write the code yourself. I think that was the purpose of this project, to get some practice writing actual working code that builds on itself. From my experience so far in dealing with writing code, I can definitely say that the hardest (and my least favorite) part is dealing with the actual data and manipulation, so I was happy to get some experience with that! For the next project, I will try my best to start working on it earlier so that I don’t feel as overwhelmed. Overall, I was very proud of myself for doing as well as I did, even though I did not get everything completely correct. That feeling when your chunk of code works correctly is just amazing! 😂

The links to my RMD and HTML files for Project 1 are below:

Project 1 RMD file

Project 1 HTML file

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