
  • What things are you going to do differently in practice now that you’ve had this course?
  • Data science (and statistics) is a huge field. What do you hope to do in relation to data science (and statistics) in your future career?
  • What aspects/areas do you want to learn more about?


I currently do not have a data science related job so I’m not sure if there’s anything I can say about doing things differently in practice, except maybe trying to be a little more thorough with code and understanding why certain solutions found on the internet work instead of just blindly implementing them. I definitely hope to start my data science career within the next few months as I will be finished with the graduate certificate this coming May. I don’t have a specific type of job in mind, though I would like to just be a “data scientist” and write code because I find it fun and really interesting (and sometimes frustrating). I have also considered trying to become an actuary, though I haven’t made up my mind yet! During my undergraduate career at UNC Charlotte I majored in economics and minored in both mathematics and management information systems, so I have some education in a lot of the different areas that being an actuary requires.

I would like to learn more about coding in general, such as learning more languages (like Python) and learning more in depth about the languages I have used so far (SAS and R). I also found the Docker containers to be very interesting and also complicated, but I think I would like to learn more in depth about those as well.

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