ST 558 Project 3

Melanie Kahn & Rachel Hardy 2022-11-14

Required Libraries

Running the code chunk below loads the tidyverse, readr, ggplot2, shiny, caret, and rmarkdown packages.


Introduction to the Data

The online news popularity data used for this project summarizes a diverse set of features about articles published by Mashable over a two year period with the goal of predicting the number of shares in social networks - a proxy for popularity.

The original online news popularity data set included 58 predictive variables, 2 non-predictive variables, 1 target variable. For the purposes of this project, we are only using 14 non-predictive variables, keeping the same target variable.

The variables present for each observation in this subset of the online news popularity data set are as follows:

Non-Predictive Variables:

Predictive Variables:

Target Variable:

The purpose of the following analysis is to create predictive models for this data set and find which one performs the best. After splitting the data into a training and test set, the performance of a simple linear regression model, a multiple regression model, a random forest model, and a boosted tree model will be compared based on the root-mean-square error (RMSE) calculation. The best model will have the smallest RMSE from the test set. This process will be done across each data channel (lifestyle,entertainment, business, social media, tech, and world) using automated RMarkdown reports.


Reading in the Data

Running the code chunk below reads in the online news popularity data set using read_csv().

newsOriginal <- read_csv(file = "./OnlineNewsPopularity.csv")

Modifying the Data

Running the code chunk below subsets the data to only include observations for the data channel we’re interested in.

news <- newsOriginal %>% filter(get(params$dataChannel) == 1)

Running the code chunk below creates the categorical variable weekday to the data set that tells us what day of the week the article was published.

news <- news %>% mutate(weekday = if_else((weekday_is_monday == 1), "Monday",
                                  if_else((weekday_is_tuesday == 1), "Tuesday", 
                                  if_else((weekday_is_wednesday == 1), "Wednesday", 
                                  if_else((weekday_is_thursday == 1), "Thursday", 
                                  if_else((weekday_is_friday == 1), "Friday",
                                  if_else((weekday_is_saturday == 1), "Saturday", 
                                  if_else((weekday_is_sunday == 1), "Sunday", " ")))))))) %>%
                 select(url, shares, weekday, everything())

news$weekday <- factor(news$weekday, levels=c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
                                              "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"))
## [1] "Monday"    "Tuesday"   "Wednesday" "Thursday"  "Friday"    "Saturday"  "Sunday"

Splitting the Data

Running the code chunk below splits the modified news data set into a training and testing set using createDataPartition(). First the seed is set to make sure the random sampling will be reproducible. createDataPartition() then creates an indexing vector (trainIndex) with a subset of the shares variable where the training subset (newsTrain) will result in a vector (list = FALSE) that has approximately 70% (p = 0.7) of the observations from the updated news data set. This training vector is then used to create the training set (newsTrain) with approximately 70% of the observations from the updated news data set, and the test set (newsTest) with the remaining 30% of the observations.

newsIndex <- createDataPartition(news$shares, p = 0.7, list = FALSE)

newsTrain <- news[newsIndex, ]
newsTest <- news[-newsIndex, ]



Summary Statistics

Running the code chunk below provides the mean and standard deviation for the number of times articles in the news data set were shared (shares).

## [1] 3063.019
## [1] 15046.39

Running the code chunk below provides the mean and standard deviation for the number of images per article (num_imgs) in the news data set.

## [1] 1.808405
## [1] 3.494494

Running the code chunk below provides the mean and standard deviation for the number of keywords per article (num_keywords) in the news data set.

## [1] 6.489613
## [1] 1.975308

Contingency Tables

Running the code chunk below creates a contingency table showing the number of articles in the online news popularity data set that were published on the weekend (is_weekend).

tableWeekend <- table(news$is_weekend)
##    0    1 
## 5672  586

From the table above, we can see that 586 articles were published on the weekend, and 5672 articles were published during the week.

Running the code chunk below creates a contingency table showing the number of articles in the online news popularity data set that were published on certain days of the week (weekday).

tableWeekday <- table(news$weekday)
##    Monday   Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday    Friday  Saturday    Sunday 
##      1153      1182      1271      1234       832       243       343

From the table above, we can see that 1153 articles were published on Monday, 1182 were published on Tuesday, 1271 on Wednesday, 1234 on Thursday, 832 on Friday, 243 on Saturday, 343 articles were published on Sunday.

Graphical Summaries

Bar Plot

Running the code chunk below creates a bar plot to visualize the number of articles published (y-axis) per each weekday (x-axis). Using the aesthetics option aes(fill = weekday) inside the geom_bar() function gives us a nicely colored graph.

g <- ggplot(news, aes(x = weekday))

g + geom_bar(aes(fill = weekday)) + 
  labs(title = "Number of Articles Published by Weekday", x = "Weekday") +
  scale_fill_discrete(name = "Weekday")

Box Plot

Running the code chunk below creates a box plot of number of shares for each weekday. Using the aesthetics option ‘fill = weekday’ gives us a nicely colored graph.

Box plots are a nice visualization of how the data is spread out by showing the mean, minimum, maximum, as well as the 25th and 75th quartiles of the data. It is also a nice way to check for extreme outliers that may affect prediction models.

g <- ggplot(news, aes(x = weekday, y = shares))

g + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = weekday)) + 
  labs(title = "Box Plot of Shares by Weekday", x = "Weekday", y = "Shares") +
  scale_fill_discrete(name = "Weekday")


Running the code chunk below creates two histograms of the number of shares that show us the distribution of the variable. The second histogram has an added density layer to give us a better idea of how the data is spread out. Histograms are another good way to visualize how the data is spread out!

g <- ggplot(news, aes(x = shares))

g + geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "#FF6666") + labs(title = "Histogram of Shares") +
  labs(title = "Histogram of Shares", x = "Shares")

g + geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), colour="black", fill="white") + 
  geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#FF6666") + 
  labs(title = "Histogram of Shares with Density", x = "Shares")

Scatter Plots

Running the code chunk below creates a scatter plot to visualize the correlation between the text subjectivity (global_subjectivity) and the number of images (num_imgs) articles have. The geom_point() function plots the data points while the geom_smooth() function plots the regression line using method lm for linear model.

Using this linear regression line on the scatter plot below helps quantify the direction and strength of the relationship between the text subjectivity on the x-axis and the number of images on the y-axis. Results showing a regression line starting lower on the y-axis than it ends (a positive slope) represents a positive linear correlation between an article’s overall subjectivity and the number of images used - if one increases, so does the other. Results showing a regression line starting higher on the y-axis than it ends (a negative slope) represents a negative linear correlation between the two, meaning the trend in the data shows a higher number of images reduces subjectivity in an article. The steepness of the slope associated with this regression line indicates the strength of the variable relationship. The closer a regression line gets to horizontal, the weaker the correlation between the subjectivity and images; and vice versa.

g <- ggplot(news, aes(x = global_subjectivity, y = num_imgs))
g + geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, col = "Blue", se = FALSE) +
  labs(title = "Relationship Between Text Subjectivity and Number of Images",
       x = "Text Subjectivity",
       y = "Number of Images")

Running the code chunk below creates a scatter plot to visualize the correlation between the number of shares and the number of keywords (num_keywords) articles have. geom_jitter is used instead of geom_point() to plot the data points in a manner where the weekday component can be better visualized. The geom_smooth() function plots the regression line using method lm for linear model.

Using this linear regression line on the scatter plot below helps quantify the direction and strength of the relationship between the number of shares on the x-axis and the number of keywords on the y-axis. Results showing a regression line starting lower on the y-axis than it ends (a positive slope) represents a positive linear correlation between an article’s number of shares and the number of keywords used - if one increases, so does the other. Results showing a regression line starting higher on the y-axis than it ends (a negative slope) represents a negative linear correlation between the two, meaning the trend in the data shows a higher number of keywords reduces the number of times an article is shared. The steepness of the slope associated with this regression line indicates the strength of the variable relationship. The closer a regression line gets to horizontal, the weaker the correlation between the popularity and keywords; and vice versa. As one of the default arguments for the geom_smooth function is se = TRUE, a 95% confidence interval can also be seen. Wider confidence intervals indicate increased uncertainty of the effect the variables have on each other.

g <- ggplot(news, aes(x = shares, y = num_keywords))
g + geom_jitter(aes(color = weekday)) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, col = "Blue") +
  labs(title = "Relationship Between Popularity and Number of Keywords",
       x = "Shares",
       y = "Number of Keywords")

Running the code chunk below creates a facet grid scatter plot to visualize the correlation between the number of words in the article’s title (n_tokens_title) and title’s subjectivity score (title_subjectivity) according to the day the article was published (weekday). The geom_point() function plots the data points while the geom_smooth() function plots the regression line using method lm for linear model.

Using this linear regression line on the scatter plot below helps quantify the direction and strength of the relationship between the title subjectivity on the x-axis and the number of words in the title on the y-axis. Results showing a regression line starting lower on the y-axis than it ends (a positive slope) represents a positive linear correlation between a title’s subjectivity and length - if one increases, so does the other. Results showing a regression line starting higher on the y-axis than it ends (a negative slope) represents a negative linear correlation between the two, meaning the trend in the data shows a higher number of words reduces title subjectivity. The steepness of the slope associated with this regression line indicates the strength of the variable relationship. The closer a regression line gets to horizontal, the weaker the correlation between the title subjectivity and length; and vice versa. The 95% confidence intervals may be harder to see due to the faceted nature of these plots, but wider confidence intervals still indicate increased uncertainty of the effect the variables have on each other.

g <- ggplot(news, aes(x = title_subjectivity, y = n_tokens_title))
g + geom_point(aes(color = weekday)) +
  facet_grid(~ weekday) +
  geom_smooth(method = lm, col = "Blue") +
  labs(title = "Relationship Between Title Subjectivity and Length",
       x = "Title Subjectivity",
       y = "Number of Words in Title")


Linear Regression

Linear regression attempts to model the (linear) relationship between a response variable and one or more predictor variables by fitting a linear equation to the data. The simplest form of the linear equation is Y = a + bX, where Y is the response variable, a is the intercept, b is the slope, and X is the predictor (or explanatory) variable. The most common method for fitting a regression model is least-squares regression, where the best-fitting line is calculated by minimizing the sum of the squared residuals.

For linear regression, it is usually important to understand which variables are related and which variables scientifically should be in the model. It is also important to split the data into a training set and a testing set so the model does not become over-fit.

Running the code chunk below creates a multiple linear regression model where shares is the response variable and the predictor variables are weekday, title_subjectivity, num_imgs, title_subjectivity^2, and num_imgs^2.

By using the summary() function, we can see the values for the residuals and coefficients, as well as the performance criteria values such as multiple R-squared.

firstLinearModel <- train(shares ~ weekday + title_subjectivity + num_imgs + I(title_subjectivity^2) + I(num_imgs^2), 
                        data = newsTrain,
                        method = "lm",
                        preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
                        trControl = trainControl(method = "cv"))
## Linear Regression 
## 4382 samples
##    3 predictor
## Pre-processing: centered (10), scaled (10) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 3944, 3943, 3943, 3944, 3944, 3945, ... 
## Resampling results:
##   RMSE      Rsquared     MAE    
##   10355.19  0.008318582  2538.71
## Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE
## Call:
## lm(formula = .outcome ~ ., data = dat)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
##  -8087  -1869  -1176   -264 687251 
## Coefficients:
##                           Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                2928.96     202.11  14.492   <2e-16 ***
## weekdayTuesday             -425.11     259.25  -1.640   0.1011    
## weekdayWednesday           -495.19     262.14  -1.889   0.0590 .  
## weekdayThursday            -223.74     261.57  -0.855   0.3924    
## weekdayFriday              -391.68     247.15  -1.585   0.1131    
## weekdaySaturday             147.20     218.50   0.674   0.5006    
## weekdaySunday               -35.64     223.07  -0.160   0.8731    
## title_subjectivity         -903.78     578.61  -1.562   0.1184    
## num_imgs                   1014.89     459.98   2.206   0.0274 *  
## `I(title_subjectivity^2)`  1282.93     578.52   2.218   0.0266 *  
## `I(num_imgs^2)`            -433.29     459.87  -0.942   0.3461    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 13380 on 4371 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.005871,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.003596 
## F-statistic: 2.581 on 10 and 4371 DF,  p-value: 0.004078

Now that the multiple linear regression model has been trained (firstLinearModel), running the code chunk below will check how well the model does on the test set newsTest using the postResample() function. The RMSE from the postResample output is then stored in an object firstLinearRMSE for later use in our comparison functions.

firstLinearPredict <- predict(firstLinearModel, newdata = newsTest)

firstLinearPerformance <- postResample(firstLinearPredict, newsTest$shares)
##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 1.833196e+04 2.733257e-04 3.005190e+03
## $names
## [1] "RMSE"     "Rsquared" "MAE"
firstLinearRMSE <- firstLinearPerformance[1]
##     RMSE 
## 18331.96

Running the code chunk below creates a simple linear regression model where shares is the response variable and the predictor variables are weekday, num_imgs, num_keywords, n_tokens_title, title_subjectivity, and global_subjectivity. The summary() function is used to examine the values for the residuals and coefficients, as well as the performance criteria values such as multiple R-squared.

secondLinearModel <- train(shares ~ weekday + num_imgs + num_keywords + n_tokens_title + title_subjectivity + global_subjectivity, 
                        data = newsTrain,
                        method = "lm",
                        preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
                        trControl = trainControl(method = "cv"))
## Linear Regression 
## 4382 samples
##    6 predictor
## Pre-processing: centered (11), scaled (11) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 3944, 3943, 3943, 3944, 3944, 3945, ... 
## Resampling results:
##   RMSE     Rsquared     MAE   
##   10351.8  0.008065599  2550.5
## Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE
## Call:
## lm(formula = .outcome ~ ., data = dat)
## Residuals:
##    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
## -12106  -1958  -1188   -212 687108 
## Coefficients:
##                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)          2928.96     202.11  14.492  < 2e-16 ***
## weekdayTuesday       -405.78     259.16  -1.566  0.11749    
## weekdayWednesday     -478.29     262.16  -1.824  0.06816 .  
## weekdayThursday      -214.49     261.66  -0.820  0.41243    
## weekdayFriday        -391.23     247.33  -1.582  0.11376    
## weekdaySaturday       133.00     218.90   0.608  0.54350    
## weekdaySunday         -43.85     223.12  -0.197  0.84422    
## num_imgs              622.75     203.22   3.064  0.00219 ** 
## num_keywords           73.87     203.62   0.363  0.71679    
## n_tokens_title        299.67     204.62   1.464  0.14313    
## title_subjectivity    192.78     206.17   0.935  0.34981    
## global_subjectivity   453.10     204.74   2.213  0.02695 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 13380 on 4370 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.006146,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.003644 
## F-statistic: 2.457 on 11 and 4370 DF,  p-value: 0.004646

Now that the simple linear regression model has been trained (secondLinearModel), running the code chunk below will check how well the model does on the test set newsTest using the postResample() function. The RMSE from the postResample output is then stored in an object secondLinearRMSE for later use in our comparison functions.

secondLinearPredict <- predict(secondLinearModel, newdata = newsTest)

secondLinearPerformance <- postResample(secondLinearPredict, newsTest$shares)
##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 1.831333e+04 1.213530e-03 3.018579e+03
## $names
## [1] "RMSE"     "Rsquared" "MAE"
secondLinearRMSE <- secondLinearPerformance[1]
##     RMSE 
## 18313.33

Random Forest

To understand random forests, it is first important to understand bagged trees which are created using bootstrap aggregation. For bagged trees, the sample is treated as the population and re-sampling is done with replacement. The process of creating a bagged tree is below:

Random forests are essentially bagged trees, except not all the predictors are used for each model. A random subset of predictors is used for each tree model (bootstrap sample). The purpose of doing this is to prevent one or two strong predictors from dominating all tree models and creating unwanted correlation between models.

Running the code chunk below trains the random forest model. The formula notation used in the train() function models the shares variable using the following predictor/explanatory variables: weekday, num_imgs, and num_keywords. To use the random forest model, the method argument was specified as "rf". The data was pre-processed by centering and scaling. Cross validation was used five-fold and repeated three (3) times. The argument tuneGrid was then used to replicate the random forest model a total of five (5) times. The best model is then chosen based on the performance criteria.

randomForestCtrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 5, repeats = 3)
randomForestFit <- train(shares ~ weekday + num_imgs + num_keywords, 
                         data = newsTrain, method = "rf", 
                         trControl = randomForestCtrl,
                         preProcess = c("center","scale"), 
                         tuneGrid = data.frame(mtry = 1:5))

## Random Forest 
## 4382 samples
##    3 predictor
## Pre-processing: centered (8), scaled (8) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold, repeated 3 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 3506, 3504, 3506, 3506, 3506, 3506, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  RMSE      Rsquared     MAE     
##   1     11684.33  0.009001807  2518.094
##   2     11797.13  0.006570583  2540.956
##   3     12050.80  0.003907245  2592.374
##   4     12332.54  0.002929226  2652.350
##   5     12530.32  0.002352491  2687.324
## RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 1.

Now that the random forest model has been trained (randomForestFit), running the code chunk below will check how well the model does on the test set newsTest using the postResample() function. The RMSE from the postResample output is then stored in an object rfRMSE for later use in our comparison functions.

randomForestPredict <- predict(randomForestFit, newdata = newsTest)

randomForestPerformance <- postResample(randomForestPredict, newsTest$shares)
##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 1.828211e+04 7.154632e-03 2.954356e+03
## $names
## [1] "RMSE"     "Rsquared" "MAE"
rfRMSE <- randomForestPerformance[1]
##     RMSE 
## 18282.11

Boosted Tree

Boosted trees are another enhancement to the single tree methods. However, unlike bagged and random forest models, boosted trees do not use bootstrapping. Boosting is a general method to slowly train your tree so you don’t overfit your model. The trees are grown in a sequential manner where each subsequent tree is based off a modified version of the original data, updating the predictions as the tree is grown. The process is described below:

Running the code chunk below trains the boosted tree model. The formula notation used in the train() function models the shares variable using the following predictor/explanatory variables: weekday, num_imgs, num_keywords, n_tokens_title, and title_subjectivity. To use the boosted tree model, the method argument was specified as "gbm". The data was pre-processed by centering and scaling. tuneGrid was then used to consider values of n.trees = 50, interaction.depth = 1, shrinkage = 0.1, and n.minobsinnode = 10. Lastly, trainControl() was used within the trControl argument to do 10 fold cross-validation using the "cv" method.

boostTreeFit <- train(shares ~ weekday + num_imgs + num_keywords + n_tokens_title + title_subjectivity
                        + global_subjectivity, data = newsTrain,
                        method = "gbm",
                        preProcess = c("center", "scale"),
                        tuneGrid = data.frame(n.trees = 50, interaction.depth = 1, shrinkage = 0.1, n.minobsinnode = 10),
                        trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10))
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 193236972.2114             nan     0.1000 -50599.6172
##      2 193084654.1378             nan     0.1000 -27173.9473
##      3 192788606.9701             nan     0.1000 59257.8592
##      4 192641610.5971             nan     0.1000 -42943.0541
##      5 192392435.5068             nan     0.1000 -59419.1895
##      6 192029582.1887             nan     0.1000 -81543.8233
##      7 191903141.9005             nan     0.1000 32023.8451
##      8 191657972.1557             nan     0.1000 -133436.4428
##      9 191580348.7572             nan     0.1000 -19077.0033
##     10 191480858.0561             nan     0.1000 3267.3022
##     20 190805035.3010             nan     0.1000 -263281.7462
##     40 190378038.9697             nan     0.1000 -174533.8945
##     50 189952794.4864             nan     0.1000 -89285.4155
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 193256594.3191             nan     0.1000 -68552.7404
##      2 193047775.0046             nan     0.1000 105874.1863
##      3 192857942.6535             nan     0.1000 20147.8294
##      4 192736496.8891             nan     0.1000 -64932.0198
##      5 192449014.2569             nan     0.1000 -134358.4328
##      6 192319839.9325             nan     0.1000 10957.8166
##      7 192244797.6359             nan     0.1000 -29383.8862
##      8 192123193.5713             nan     0.1000 5809.5642
##      9 192057937.8229             nan     0.1000 -104137.4343
##     10 191963353.6374             nan     0.1000 -8486.5833
##     20 191537046.6992             nan     0.1000 -121907.0333
##     40 190929379.0282             nan     0.1000 -62145.1889
##     50 190882329.7174             nan     0.1000 -270101.4555
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 196335199.0556             nan     0.1000 -14668.9391
##      2 196287318.1574             nan     0.1000 8297.5102
##      3 196096071.7628             nan     0.1000 -33051.4297
##      4 195917853.2412             nan     0.1000 155355.0256
##      5 195605560.9038             nan     0.1000 -108341.2852
##      6 195407536.9004             nan     0.1000 -60294.8267
##      7 195154988.8124             nan     0.1000 67652.3076
##      8 194997116.8309             nan     0.1000 -138985.0656
##      9 194857134.8552             nan     0.1000 88887.6208
##     10 194788661.4283             nan     0.1000 -8270.6888
##     20 193933574.0296             nan     0.1000 -70923.5329
##     40 193394717.6845             nan     0.1000 -108483.9416
##     50 193210891.2002             nan     0.1000 -311860.2179
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 196135272.5063             nan     0.1000 143241.5515
##      2 195922523.0918             nan     0.1000 -69396.4454
##      3 195887629.0492             nan     0.1000 -32070.8270
##      4 195459795.8885             nan     0.1000 -141828.3484
##      5 195288808.2227             nan     0.1000 89367.3939
##      6 195150070.2477             nan     0.1000 27872.8998
##      7 194868342.9455             nan     0.1000 -177266.6410
##      8 194790249.8134             nan     0.1000 -162560.9537
##      9 194748031.8215             nan     0.1000 -297752.6654
##     10 194665896.9852             nan     0.1000 -150259.1380
##     20 193942751.9309             nan     0.1000 -160340.0456
##     40 193229273.1329             nan     0.1000 -81874.2203
##     50 193006115.6255             nan     0.1000 -156402.1535
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 197965180.5540             nan     0.1000 -39528.5450
##      2 197704465.3781             nan     0.1000 55378.8743
##      3 197345712.0801             nan     0.1000 -43216.9777
##      4 197165452.6721             nan     0.1000 62066.2243
##      5 196900933.5552             nan     0.1000 -65987.6741
##      6 196768938.0820             nan     0.1000 -109304.6664
##      7 196629378.6149             nan     0.1000 -93099.0401
##      8 196481599.1029             nan     0.1000 48263.6461
##      9 196372415.8745             nan     0.1000 -45706.0268
##     10 196257476.2520             nan     0.1000 -11433.1260
##     20 195906113.3606             nan     0.1000 -77212.0754
##     40 195468789.6236             nan     0.1000 -110406.4039
##     50 195116703.5137             nan     0.1000 -399672.7552
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 193498371.8406             nan     0.1000 -15949.8448
##      2 193271194.1221             nan     0.1000 66578.7695
##      3 193109744.5622             nan     0.1000 54922.3117
##      4 192846909.8266             nan     0.1000 274979.6812
##      5 192502456.6107             nan     0.1000 -12372.8374
##      6 192389516.3285             nan     0.1000 -71889.9076
##      7 192294629.8452             nan     0.1000 -59034.6276
##      8 192192627.1705             nan     0.1000 -122345.9201
##      9 191995663.7475             nan     0.1000 -148977.7632
##     10 191889772.6660             nan     0.1000 52425.9348
##     20 191260984.2305             nan     0.1000 -67310.6226
##     40 190689523.3348             nan     0.1000 -256457.6048
##     50 190260030.1295             nan     0.1000 -9314.9578
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 197743388.2124             nan     0.1000 -51630.7902
##      2 197591265.2433             nan     0.1000 -7606.5215
##      3 197108715.2859             nan     0.1000 -19870.1533
##      4 196782621.9733             nan     0.1000 -119489.2248
##      5 196545283.6936             nan     0.1000 74553.0696
##      6 196465873.1906             nan     0.1000  228.8351
##      7 196366681.7657             nan     0.1000 -126286.9572
##      8 196213451.6576             nan     0.1000 83166.0817
##      9 196156394.4159             nan     0.1000 -130126.1145
##     10 196031160.4511             nan     0.1000 34954.6659
##     20 195453231.5968             nan     0.1000 -208134.1586
##     40 195087905.0987             nan     0.1000 -261010.5595
##     50 194934401.6083             nan     0.1000 -263342.5865
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 55017032.4271             nan     0.1000 -23825.4801
##      2 54843173.0994             nan     0.1000 10303.7035
##      3 54797746.1445             nan     0.1000 7097.4802
##      4 54617280.6933             nan     0.1000 -21512.4463
##      5 54477632.4566             nan     0.1000 14117.4965
##      6 54452874.4366             nan     0.1000 -13203.0375
##      7 54400626.9852             nan     0.1000 25679.8476
##      8 54276089.4444             nan     0.1000 -35754.7709
##      9 54165889.4008             nan     0.1000 -33233.0140
##     10 54061531.2527             nan     0.1000 -14450.7952
##     20 53637560.5238             nan     0.1000 -148390.7274
##     40 53325088.6554             nan     0.1000 -141889.0693
##     50 53162959.3863             nan     0.1000 -57204.1627
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 175334416.3066             nan     0.1000 -103911.2017
##      2 175197939.1783             nan     0.1000 -128964.3515
##      3 175125569.7575             nan     0.1000 -122536.7798
##      4 174845517.7581             nan     0.1000 45386.7381
##      5 174796082.8808             nan     0.1000 -128765.0866
##      6 174569497.9482             nan     0.1000 25886.1894
##      7 174433312.0201             nan     0.1000 21555.9702
##      8 174339212.2084             nan     0.1000 -66726.5583
##      9 174363142.8759             nan     0.1000 -139621.6491
##     10 174308003.0841             nan     0.1000 -130341.8264
##     20 173809091.5947             nan     0.1000 -145872.5138
##     40 173347187.5883             nan     0.1000 -200904.2813
##     50 173080935.2248             nan     0.1000 -125385.2304
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 195476934.8777             nan     0.1000 261145.1086
##      2 195254827.6549             nan     0.1000 130114.1909
##      3 195068769.9945             nan     0.1000 65505.9579
##      4 194988640.9232             nan     0.1000 60942.3825
##      5 194607365.1378             nan     0.1000 -46280.4483
##      6 194466494.5164             nan     0.1000 -23170.7508
##      7 194305910.7141             nan     0.1000 -169929.1086
##      8 194162210.0588             nan     0.1000 30395.1747
##      9 194056269.4644             nan     0.1000 26851.5660
##     10 193980572.5214             nan     0.1000 -123953.2947
##     20 193361157.5998             nan     0.1000 -80378.2487
##     40 192494695.5659             nan     0.1000 -123136.8933
##     50 192296659.0875             nan     0.1000 -140620.1321
## Iter   TrainDeviance   ValidDeviance   StepSize   Improve
##      1 179443601.0128             nan     0.1000 -74431.9525
##      2 179323729.0870             nan     0.1000 -60058.4299
##      3 179031887.0828             nan     0.1000 -70782.5566
##      4 178818616.5921             nan     0.1000 106211.2855
##      5 178678650.7813             nan     0.1000 83992.8513
##      6 178548671.3974             nan     0.1000 40704.0340
##      7 178499085.6139             nan     0.1000 -76976.6988
##      8 178520148.6330             nan     0.1000 -136078.6075
##      9 178406821.4828             nan     0.1000 -14822.6980
##     10 178243077.4851             nan     0.1000 -37587.8044
##     20 177565246.9723             nan     0.1000 46764.8954
##     40 176816462.8875             nan     0.1000 -150074.5059
##     50 176746530.2508             nan     0.1000 -126082.4913
## Stochastic Gradient Boosting 
## 4382 samples
##    6 predictor
## Pre-processing: centered (11), scaled (11) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 3945, 3943, 3944, 3944, 3943, 3944, ... 
## Resampling results:
##   RMSE      Rsquared    MAE     
##   9704.482  0.01118576  2560.397
## Tuning parameter 'n.trees' was held constant at a value of 50
## Tuning parameter 'interaction.depth' was held constant at a value
##  of 1
## Tuning parameter 'shrinkage' was held constant at a value of 0.1
## Tuning parameter 'n.minobsinnode' was held constant at
##  a value of 10

Now that the boosted tree model has been trained (boostTreeFit), running the code chunk below will check how well the model does on the test set newsTest using the postResample() function. The RMSE from the postResample output is then stored in an object boostRMSE for later use in our comparison functions.

boostingPredict <- predict(boostTreeFit, newdata = newsTest)

boostTreePerformance <- postResample(boostingPredict, newsTest$shares)
##         RMSE     Rsquared          MAE 
## 1.826768e+04 5.799416e-03 3.033958e+03
## $names
## [1] "RMSE"     "Rsquared" "MAE"
boostRMSE <- boostTreePerformance[1]
##     RMSE 
## 18267.68


Running the code chunk below writes two functions:

bestRMSE <- function(linear1, linear2, rf, boost){
  vec <- c(linear1, linear2, rf, boost)
  bestRMSE <- min(vec)

bestModel <- function(linear1, linear2, rf, boost){
  vec <- c(linear1, linear2, rf, boost)
  bestRMSE <- min(vec)
  model <- if_else((bestRMSE == linear1), "First Linear Model", 
            if_else((bestRMSE == linear2), "Second Linear Model", 
             if_else((bestRMSE == rf), "Random Forest",
              if_else((bestRMSE == boost), "Boosted Tree", 

bestRMSE <- bestRMSE(firstLinearRMSE, secondLinearRMSE, rfRMSE, boostRMSE)
bestModel <- bestModel(firstLinearRMSE, secondLinearRMSE, rfRMSE, boostRMSE)

bestRMSE; bestModel
## [1] 18267.68

## [1] "Boosted Tree"

The best model is Boosted Tree with a corresponding RMSE value of 1.8267675^{4}.